PBY Catalina International Association
1990 Volume 2, Number 2 (p.08)

I've made minor corrections. Click here to see the original Search

JUNE 09-10 : "60th" Anniversary of R.A.F. Station, Pembroke Dock, England, being celebrated with "Flying Boat Members Reunion". Submit inquiries ASAP to "FLYING BOAT REUNION", No.648 Branch, RAFA Commercial Row, Pembroke Dock, DYFED SA72 6JN, England. (Invitations open to all Flying-Boat/Amphibian Aircraft enthusiast. Special attention to U.S.A PATROL SQUADRON-63, who operated out of Pembroke Dock in WW-II.)
JULY 19-22 : Patrol Squadron-73 (VP-73) Reunion at Sheraton Inn, Greensburg, Pennsylvania: Contact William "DUTCH" SCHULTZ [address omitted for privacy].
SEPT 01 : Naval Air Museum, Phase III New Wing; Commemorative Opening at Pensacola, Florida.
SEPT 06-09 : "3rd Emergency Rescue Squadron (E.R.S.) Reunion" at ECONO-LODGE (Formerly Royal Inn), Exit #199 off Interstate-75, near Maumee River. Please contact before 1 July 90: Joseph A. Horvath [address omitted for privacy]. PH: [omitted] res. or [omitted] bus..
SEPT 13-16 : PBY Catalina International Association meeting at New Orleans, Louisiana. (See Hosts' attached "INFO Form") or contact Jim THOMPSON, 1510 Kabel Dr., New Orleans, LA 70131.
OCT 7-7 : Indian Ocean Flying Boat Association: All Flying Boat/Amphibian Aircraft associates who had operated in the Indian Ocean are encouraged to contact; Geoff GUY [address omitted for privacy].
(NOTE: The "I.O.F.B.A." will also be partaking in the "Pembroke Dock" event cited 09-10 June 1990)
OCT 17-21 : "4th Emergency Rescue Squadron (E.R.S.) Reunion": In San Antonio, Texas; Contact Frank HOLL [address omitted for privacy].
OCT 18-21 : Seaplane Tender, USS CURRITUCK Association: River Front Hilton, Little Rock, Arkansas. Contact "USS CURRITUCK Association", 2954 Hilleman Ave., Saint Louis, MO 63114 [phone omitted for privacy] for reunion particulars.
OCT 26-28 : VP/VPB-33 Reunion, San Diego, California: Please contact VP/VPB-33 reunion Committee, 300 7th Street, Coronado, CA 92118.
( In respect to our "VP-72 SHIPMATES" on the chance there may still be some "Shipmates" out there at this late time, who did not know of their reunion taking place it is: May 29-Jun 01: IMPERIAL PALACE HOTEL CASINO, 3535 Las Vegas Bl'vd, Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 or PH: 1-800-634-6441. Of if traveling via "RV", PH: 1-800-634-3450 for facilaties/hook-ups at Circusland, 600 Circus Circus Drive, Las Vegas.)

"C.L.HAVERTY" [address omitted for privacy]
"M.C.HOHNBAUM" [address omitted for privacy]
"L.C.WITTENBERG" [address omitted for privacy]

Here's to Our Absent Brothers
  To dear ones a-far and a-bove,
    Their faults we write upon the sands,
      Their virtues on tablets of love.

        Absent but not for-got-ten;
          For them we will sing the old line:
            "Should old ac-quaint-ance be for-got,
              In the days of Auld Lang Syne."
"Naval Aviation News": The Bi-Monthly Publication, compiled and produced by the U.S. Naval Aviation Command, has a two-part article concerning the Neutrality Patrol in the Atlantic prior to World War TWO, submitted by William "Bill" E. SCARBOROUGH, a member of our association. The article is in the March/April and May/June editions.
